
International Conference on Advancing Net Zero 2021 (23-26 Nov 2021) (只提供英文版)

Organised by the Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC), International Conference on Advancing Net Zero, Hong Kong’s first international conference of its kind, would take place from 23 – 26 November 2021. (Tuesday to Friday). 

Themed “Decarbonising High-rise, High-density, Sub-tropical Cities”, the Conference aims to enhance the knowledge of Hong Kong’s building and construction professionals, as well as those from other parts of the world, on the latest concepts, trends, strategies and technical solutions to decarbonise and advance towards a net zero and sustainable built environment in a high-rise, high-density, sub-tropical city context.

Over 60 renowned local and international speakers from green building councils, building and construction industry, academia and the Government of the HKSAR will share their insights and case studies in advancing towards net zero throughout the four days of Conference.

For more details, please click HERE.

Event Detail
Event Name: International Conference on Advancing Net Zero 2021 (23-26 Nov 2021) (只提供英文版)
Presented By: -
Date: 2021年11月23日

Virtual Conference


5 hours for Day 1-3
6 hours for Day 4
(CPD hours will be granted to attendees with over 80% attendance)

Contact Phone: 39948876
Contact Email: [email protected]