
WGO - ESG Xchange 2024: ESG for Climate Actions International Summit (27-28 Jun 2024) (只提供英文版)

Supported by the Hong Kong Green Building Council, the ESG Xchange 2024: ESG for Climate Actions International Summit would be held in Hong Kong from 27 to 28 June 2024.

Organised by The World Green Organisation (WGO), the central theme of this year's conference is "ESG Xchange - Xpo for ESG, Carbon Neutrality and Sustainability". It would showcase international sustainability standards like GRI, MSCI, and others, and provide insights on the latest ESG governance approaches from TCFD, TNFD, and COP28.

For more event information and registration, please visit HERE.

Event Detail
Event Name: WGO - ESG Xchange 2024: ESG for Climate Actions International Summit (27-28 Jun 2024) (只提供英文版)
Presented By:

The World Green Organisation (WGO)

Date: 2024年06月27日

Hall 5G, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC)

Contact Person: Katherine LAU
Contact Email: [email protected]
Website: https://esgxchangehk.com/