
Hong Kong Green Shop Alliance Award 2023 Presentation Ceremony (僅限受邀者參加) (只提供英文版)

The Hong Kong Green Shop Alliance (HKGSA) was established in May 2017 to foster the world’s greenest shopping environment in Hong Kong. To encourage a more proactive adoption of green shopping measures among malls and shops, the Hong Kong Green Shop Alliance Award (HKGSA Award) is organised annually to promote their green efforts.

The 4th edition of the HKGSA Award was concluded and an Award Presentation Ceremony will be held to recognise the achievement of the awardees from Developers, Property Management Companies, Mall Operators and Shop Owners. The Ceremony also provides a platform for the retail industry to exchange ideas on best green shopping practices.

This is an exclusive event and by invitation only.

Event Detail
Event Name: Hong Kong Green Shop Alliance Award 2023 Presentation Ceremony (僅限受邀者參加) (只提供英文版)
Presented By:

Funding Support: Construction Industry Council
Organiser:  Hong Kong Green Building Council

Date: 2024年02月02日
Contact Email: [email protected]