
Hong Kong Smoke-free Leading Company Awards 2023 [Submission Deadline: 31 Oct 2023] (只提供英文版)

Supported by the Hong Kong Green Building Council, the Hong Kong Smoke-free Leading Company Awards 2023 ("Awards 2023") is now open for application until 31 October 2023 (Tuesday)

Organised by the Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health (COSH), the "Awards 2023" encourages all industries to fulfil social responsibility by promoting smoke-free culture and smoking cessation to their employees, customers, the general public and other stakeholders for a smoke-free Hong Kong.

The "Awards 2023" also incorporates ESG elements (Environmental, Social and Governance) by introducing the “Outstanding ESG Smoke-free Involvement Award”, which encourages companies to further integrate smoke-free promotion into their ESG policies, taking care of employees’ physical and mental well-being, enhancing their performance and profession, and benefiting both the company and its employees.

For more information and application, please view the event flyer HERE and apply HERE.

Event Detail
Event Name: Hong Kong Smoke-free Leading Company Awards 2023 [Submission Deadline: 31 Oct 2023] (只提供英文版)
Presented By:

Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health

Date: 2023年10月31日
Contact Phone: 21856399
Contact Email: [email protected]
Website: https://www.smokefreeleadingcompany.hk/