
GBACNA - GBA Low Carbon Buildings TOP 100 Photobook Launch & Awardees Sharing (只提供英文版)

Supported by the Hong Kong Green Building Council, the GBA Low Carbon Buildings TOP 100 Award Photobook Launch & Awardees Sharing would be held in Hong Kong on 10 May 2023 (Wednesday).

Organised by the Greater Bay Area Carbon Neutrality Association (GBACNA), the GBA Low Carbon Buildings TOP 100 Award Presentation Ceremony is to acknowledge the role models of low carbon buildings in the Greater Bay Area for their dedication to promoting decarbonisation in the building sectors and accelerating the transition to a carbon neutrality region. The GBA Low Carbon Building TOP 100 Award Photobook would be published to further share the success of the awardees in their decarbonisation achievements. A line-up of GBA Low Carbon Buildings TOP 100 Awardees would deliver a variety of outstanding low carbon building case sharing and Guests of Honor would share insights on how to transit to decarbonisation in the built environment in the Greater Bay Area and accelerate carbon neutrality through collaborations.

For details, please refer to the event website and click HERE for registration.

Event Detail
Event Name: GBACNA - GBA Low Carbon Buildings TOP 100 Photobook Launch & Awardees Sharing (只提供英文版)
Presented By:

Greater Bay Area Carbon Neutrality Association

Date: 2023年05月10日
Time: 10:00am - 12:00noon

Build4Asia Main Stage, Hall 5, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre
(Address: 1 Expo Drive, Wanchai)

Contact Person: GBACNA Secretariat
Contact Phone: 39157138
Contact Email: [email protected]
Website: https://www.build4asia.com/gba-top-100/