
NAMI - Innovative Self-Compacting Backfill Material for Pavements in Hong Kong (只提供英文版)

Supported by the Hong Kong Green Building Council, the NAMI Webinar: Innovative Self-Compacting Backfill Material for Pavements in Hong Kong would be conducted online on 16 April 2021 (Friday).

Heavy traffic, congested work areas and placement of utilities underground, as well as adverse weather conditions create hurdle to trench backfill with soil in Hong Kong, resulting in prolonged works and varied quality. NAMI has developed a new universal self-compacting backfill material for trench backfill to eliminate the risk of collapse of ground due to improper compaction, reduce the chance of unsatisfactory road reinstatement, and shorten the time required for backfill excavated trenches.

This webinar will focus on NAMI’s self-compacting backfill material and how it significantly enhances the productivity and quality control of backfill. The industry stakeholders will also share their experience in volume manufacturing, as well as consideration and preparation in actual projects.

For more details and registration, please click HERE.

Event Detail
Event Name: NAMI - Innovative Self-Compacting Backfill Material for Pavements in Hong Kong (只提供英文版)
Presented By:


Date: 2021年04月16日
Time: 3:00pm - 4:30pm

This event will be conducted in the form of webinar via Zoom

Contact Phone: 35113488
Contact Email: [email protected]
Language: Cantonese or English