
HKIP - Hong Kong Institute of Planners Awards 2020 [Submission Deadline: 25 Sep 2020] (只提供英文版)

Supported by the Hong Kong Green Building Council, the Hong Kong Institute of Planners Awards 2020 is now open for submission until 25 September 2020 (Friday)

Hong Kong Institute of Planners (HKIP) Awards are given to celebrate and honour the outstanding achievements of the related professionals in town planning. Through the delivery of awards, they also wish to raise public awareness in good planning principles and practice, and to encourage pursuit of excellence amongst planners in Hong Kong.

The winning applicants of HKIP Awards may receive a “Gold Award”, a “Silver Award” or a “Certificate of Merit”. The number and type of awards to be given are not fixed and are dependent upon the standard and quality of entries received.

For details, please visit HERE

Event Detail
Event Name: HKIP - Hong Kong Institute of Planners Awards 2020 [Submission Deadline: 25 Sep 2020] (只提供英文版)
Presented By: -
Date: 2020年09月25日
Contact Person: Ms Mandy Wong
Contact Phone: 61251904
Contact Email: [email protected]
Website: https://www.hkip.org.hk/