
BEC - Stepping Up to the BEC Low Carbon Charter: How to Set & Achieve Decarbonisation Targets (Workshop 1) (只提供英文版)

Supported by the Hong Kong Green Building Council, the Stepping Up to the BEC Low Carbon Charter: How to Set & Achieve Decarbonisation Targets (Workshop 1) would be held in Hong Kong on 21 June 2019 (Friday).

The BEC Low Carbon Charter, launched on 19 March 2019, mobilised more than 30 major companies across Hong Kong’s property and construction value chain to commit to set and achieve ambitious decarbonisation targets towards a sustainable and low carbon future. Now that the commitments have been made, the challenge of following through and implementing the commitments begins.

How do you set and achieve ambitious decarbonisation targets? Where do you begin? “Stepping Up to the BEC Low Carbon Charter: How to Set & Achieve Decarbonisation Targets” is a series of two workshops designed to support signatories and potential signatories to advance in their decarbonisation journeys, and to serve as a platform for honest and constructive dialogue. The workshops will feature presentations and interactive discussions with experts, as well as experience and best practice sharing from peers.

Event Detail
Event Name: BEC - Stepping Up to the BEC Low Carbon Charter: How to Set & Achieve Decarbonisation Targets (Workshop 1) (只提供英文版)
Date: 2019年06月21日
Time: 9:30am - 11:30am
Contact Email: [email protected]
Website: https://bec.org.hk/events-current/stepping-up-to-the-bec-low-carbon-charter-how-to-set--achieve-decarbonisation-targets-workshop-1