
HKDC - DFA Design for Asia Awards 2019 (只提供英文版)

Supported by the Hong Kong Green Building Council, the DFA Design for Asia Awards 2019 would be held in Hong Kong and is now open for application.

The DFA Design for Asia Awards is the flagship programme of the Hong Kong Design Centre (HKDC), celebrating design excellence and acknowledging outstanding designs with Asian perspectives. Since its launch in 2003, the DFA Design for Asia Awards has been a stage upon which design talents and corporations can showcase their design projects internationally.

The programme is comprised of five major awards: Grand Award, Grand Award for Culture, Grand Award for Sustainability, Grand Award for Technology y and Category Award. Entries to the Category Award are recruited by open submission, while entries to the other four are by nomination. For the Category Award, entrants may submit design projects in one of 26 categories under four key design disciplines, namely Apparel & Accessory Design, Communication Design, Environmental Design and Product & Industrial Design. Gold, Silver, Bronze and Merit awards are presented to winners in each category. Submissions are judged on four criteria – overall excellence, use of technology, impact in Asia as well as commercial and societal success.

The judges are design professionals and experts attuned to design developments in Asia and experienced in serving as judges for Hong Kong and international design awards.


Promotional Period
(1 Apr - 30 Apr 2019)
Regular Period 
(1 May - 28 Jun 2019)
Deadline for Online Submission & Payment:   30 Apr 2019 (11:59pm)28 Jun 2019 (5pm)
Actual Product & Material Submission Period:1 May - 14 Jun 20191 May - 5 Jul 2019
Entry Fee (per entry):$1,000$2,000

You may click HERE for more information & registration.

Event Detail
Event Name: HKDC - DFA Design for Asia Awards 2019 (只提供英文版)
Date: 2019年05月24日
Time: N/A
Contact Email: [email protected]
Website: https://submission.dfaawards.com/