Advancing Net Zero: Latest Developments Symposium - Accelerating Progress Towards Zero Carbon Emissions
Jockey Club Energy Saver in Schools Project Opening Ceremony Join Hands with the School Sector in Achieving a Sustainable Green Campus
Expanding Our CIC Green Product Certification Family: Welcoming New Licensees and Celebrating Recertification Achievements
Advancing Net Zero: Latest Developments Symposium - Accelerating Progress Towards Zero Carbon Emissions
During the Symposium, the Council announced the official launch of the new chapter on “Carbon Offsets for Hong Kong’s Built Environment” in the “HKGBC Climate Change Framework For Built Environment Version Two” (the Framework) and the introduction of the “Net Zero Energy Building Certificate”. Since its launch in June last year, the Framework has accumulated over 13,000 downloads from 54 regions, proving its worldwide recognition. The newly introduced “Net Zero Building Certification Scheme” has also been incorporated into the Hong Kong Monetary Authority’s discussion paper on the Hong Kong Green Taxonomy Framework, which empowers stakeholders to establish energy performance benchmarks, set zero-carbon-ready targets and justify projects for green financing.
As part of the Framework, the “Zero-Carbon-Ready Building Certification” has received extensive support from the industry and has been officially incorporated into both BEAM Plus and the GRESB. In the second batch of the certification scheme, a total of 36 certificates were issued to 9 developers, property management companies and government department, including CITIC Tower Property Management Company Limited, Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD), Goodwill Management Limited, Hysan Development Company Limited, Kai Shing Management Services Limited, New World Development Company Limited, Shui On Centre Company Limited, Sino Estates Management Limited and Swire Properties Limited. Since the launch of the certification scheme, a total of 65 certificates have been issued to 12 developers, property management companies and government department, demonstrating the strong demand for this certification in the industry.

Mr Joseph CHAN Ho-lim, JP, Under Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, The Government of the HKSAR (middle), Dr CHEUNG Tin-cheung, SBS, Chairman of the HKGBC (5th right), Ir Dr Cary CHAN Wing-hong, JP, Executive Director of the HKGBC (5th left), Ir Harry LAI Hon-chung, BBS, Deputy Executive Director of the HKGBC (4th right), in a group photo with the guest speakers.

Officiating guests took group photos with the HKGBC Directors and Sustainable Development Committee members.

Dr CHEUNG Tin-cheung, SBS, Chairman of HKGBC, delivered his Opening Remarks, highlighting the Symposium as a platform for pursuing innovative solutions, fostering partnerships, and embracing opportunities.

Mr Joseph CHAN Ho-lim, JP, Under Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, the Government of the HKSAR, attended the Symposium to demonstrate the Government’s commitment to advancing carbon neutrality and promoting the development of green finance.

Ir Cary CHAN Wing-hon, JP, Executive Director of HKGBC, expressed his belief that the “Net Zero Energy Building Certificate” not only provides energy performance benchmarking and target-setting, but also serves as a valuable guide in exploring green financing opportunities.

Ir HO Chi-shing, General Manager of BEAM Society Limited and Ms Pooja CHANGANI, Manager, Member Relations Asia-Pacific of GRESB highlighted that the “Zero-Carbon-Ready Building Certification Scheme” has been officially incorporated into both BEAM Plus and the GRESB as a recognised green building assessment tool, proving the certification’s significant recognition at both local and international levels.

The Symposium also featured a panel discussion involving Mr Eli KONVITZ, Vice Chair of Urban Land Institute Hong Kong (ULI), Ir Sr Jonathan LEE, President of the Hong Kong Institute of Facility Management (HKIFM), and Mr Willy MAK, Senior Manager of Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA). Facilitated by Ms Grace KWOK, Director cum Sustainable Development Committee Vice Chair of HKGBC, the enlightening conversation offered valuable insights into the synergy between green building and green finance, driving the building industry towards its goal of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050.

The event concluded with Closing Remarks from Ir PAN Shu-jie, Director cum Chairman of the Sustainable Development Committee of HKGBC. He emphasised the values and impacts of green building assessment and the crucial role of the finance sector in supporting sustainable building projects, such as energy-efficient retrofits and the adoption of renewable energy solutions.
The Symposium was a momentous event that brought together industry professionals, government representatives, and stakeholders to promote sustainable practices in Hong Kong's built environment. Through the development of the Framework, the Council aims to unite efforts across all sectors to expedite the adoption of sustainable buildings in Hong Kong and achieve the goal of carbon neutrality by 2050.
Jockey Club Energy Saver in Schools Project Opening Ceremony
Join Hands with the School Sector in Achieving a Sustainable Green Campus
Building upon the achievement of the previous "Jockey Club BEAM Plus in Schools Project", which aimed to promote green building and carbon reduction in Hong Kong, the new Project will further focus on energy-efficient retrofitting works for participating schools with the goal of achieving a 15-20% reduction in electricity consumption. Through BEAM Plus Existing Schools assessment and certification, schools will gain official recognition of their contribution in advocating for sustainable campuses.
As the co-organiser of the Project, the Hong Kong Green Building Council will introduce an array of brand new educational activities, such as Capacity Building Programmes, customised Green Building Tours and a Student Ambassador Programme, to enhance teachers' and students' green building knowledge, as well as to promote the importance of the health and wellbeing of school occupants. These educational activities will be complemented by various teaching materials such as educational videos, board games, and virtual tours in order to facilitate teachers' in-class training and maximise students' learning outcomes.
It is hoped that through various learning experiences, we could induce the behavioural change of energy saving in the participating students, and further extend the practices from schools to students' homes, and even to communities and the whole society. By working together, we can create a sustainable and zero-carbon future, making Hong Kong a more liveable city.
Please click HERE for more details about the Project.
Guest of Honour, Dr the Honourable LAM Ching-choi, SBS, JP, Chairman of the Council for Carbon Neutrality and Sustainable Development officiated the launch of the Project with other Special Guests together.
Expanding Our CIC Green Product Certification Family: Welcoming New Licensees and Celebrating Recertification Achievements
The CIC Green Product Certification (CIC GPC) has been established as the leading scheme for assessing the sustainability of building and construction materials and products. It assesses building materials across various aspects, including carbon footprint, greenhouse gas emissions, and energy / water efficiency, throughout their life cycle. As of March 2024, over 1000 products have been certified across 28 categories, responding to the rising demand for eco-friendly materials and the imperative of decarbonisation.
The Council is pleased to welcome several new licensees to our CIC GPC licensee family, further strengthening our commitment to promoting environmentally friendly practices in the industry. In the realm of Construction Materials, warm welcomes are extended to Gammon Construction Limited, Golik Concrete Limited, K. Wah Concrete Company Limited, Glorious Concrete (H.K.) Ltd., and Welmetal Steel (Hong Kong) Limited. Expanding our reach to Building Products and Materials, Ryowo (Holding) Company Limited is a new licensee, further diversifying our network.
To facilitate knowledge sharing and highlight successful practices in the green building industry, a series of upcoming webinars are being planned which will focus on various product families, including Architecture, Mechanical & Electrical & Plumbing (MEP), Civil & Structure, and Landscaping. These webinars aim to foster knowledge sharing and highlight green products and successful practices in the green building industry, with a particular emphasis on retrofitting.
By expanding our CIC GPC family and promoting knowledge sharing among industry professionals, we can make a significant impact in creating a more environmentally conscious and resilient built environment. For further details abuot CIC GPC, please visit HERE.