Ir Marsden KONG
Chief Engineer/Energy Efficiency B
Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, The Government of the HKSAR

Ir KONG is a chief engineer of Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD). He is now responsible for legislation enforcement of Building Energy Efficiency Ordinance and promotion of energy efficiency and conservation in Hong Kong. He is also supervising different teams of the Energy Efficiency Office of EMSD undertaking energy saving projects for implementation of retro-commissioning (RCx) in government buildings, energy efficient installation as well as solar power generation installation in schools and welfare NGOs serving education and social welfare sectors of Hong Kong. 

Ir KONG has more than 20 years of experience undertaking public works projects in planning, design and construction stages of various types of government buildings and facilities, including police stations, police regional headquarters, government offices, government quarters, correctional institutions, fire stations, ambulance deports, schools, clinics, hospitals, temporary quarantine facilities, civil aviation facilities and border control facilities.