To echo another HKGBC initiative - Hong Kong Green Shop Alliance, we will partner with Alliance members on advocating green shopping culture.

Wrapping cloth is not only an eco-friendly option but also coming back as a popular culture in various cities. Unlike paper and plastic bags, wrapping cloth can be reused and therefore could ease the environmental concern. ‘Shop and Wrap’ calls for action among shoppers by changing their attitude and behaviour via our own version of ‘G-Wrapper’.

Promotion video of 'Shop and Wrap':
To go shop and wrap with Dodo


Date Venue
13-30 September 2018
10-17 October 2018 (Extended Free Redemption Period)
AEON selected stores

Redemption Methods (Chinese only)




Mono Mono


參與店舖之顧客服務台或Mono Mono收銀處


  • 推廣期內,顧客可憑機印白色發票(金額不限)於AEON參與店舖免費換領G-Wrapper環保購物布乙塊
  • 一張機印白色發票只限換領G-Wrapper環保購物布乙塊
  • 是次活動只適用於參與店舖發出的收銀機印白色發票(信用咭或所有其他收據均恕不接受,包括但並不限於由租戶發出之收據)。


  1. 於參與店舖購物,並獲得AEON收銀機印白色發票。
  2. 「香港綠色建築議會」Facebook專頁上按讚。
  3. 於Facebook專頁指定貼文留言「有咗呢塊布,包咩都無難度!」
  4. 前往參與店舖之顧客服務台或Mono Mono收銀處換領G-Wrapper乙塊。


Wrapping Tutorial

Barrel-shaped Wrapping Method

(Applicable to objects in bottle or barrel shape, such as glass bottles and cookie jars etc.)

Step 1: Lay the cloth with the front side facing down, and place the object at the center.

Step 2: Pull up the left and right corners to the bottle cap and tie a knot.

Step 3: Hold another two corners.

Step 4: Round the two corners to the back of the bottle.

Step 5: Tie the corners together at the front of bottle.

Step 6: Twist both sides into strips.

Step 7: Tie them twice to form a handle.

Step 8: Finish.


Hand-held Wrapping Method

(Applicable to objects in regular shape, such as lunchboxes and books etc.)

Step 1: Lay the cloth with the front side facing down, and place the object(s) at the center.

Step 2: Pull the left and right corners to the center and tie a knot.

Step 3: Hold another two corners.

Step 4: Tie two corners with a square knot at the center.

Step 5: Twist both sides into two strips.

Step 6: Tie them twice to form a handle.

Step 7: Finish.


Basket Wrapping Method

(Applicable to objects in irregular shape such as bread, clothes and towels etc.)

Step 1: Lay the cloth with the front side facing up.

Step 2: Fold the cloth into triangle.

Step 3: Tie 2 knots respectively at the left and right corners of the folded triangle.

Step 4: Open the cloth, with front side facing down.

Step 5: Fold the two knots into the cloth.

Step 6: Place the object at the center.

Step 7: Hold both corners and tie a square knot.

Step 8: Finish.