The Hong Kong Green Building Council has coordinated with different parties to foster the provision of tax incentives and funding assistance for BEAM Plus project applicants. EMSD, CLP, HK Electric and Water Supplies Department are offering different kinds of incentives to applicants for different BEAM Plus Assessment Tools.
Accelerated Deduction under Profits Tax : Energy Efficiency Registration Scheme for Buildings (HKEERSB)
(For NB, EB and BI Projects)
With effect from 1 January 2018, new or existing buildings/premises that have achieved Final Bronze rating (or Satisfactory grade in the case of EB Selective Scheme – Energy Use) or above under BEAM Plus NB, EB or BI are eligible to register under the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department’s Energy Efficiency Registration Scheme for Buildings (HKEERSB). Capital expenditure incurred in the installation/construction of energy efficient building installations registered under HKEERSB is eligible for accelerated deduction under profits tax.

For details of the HKEERSB, please visit
Funding assistance for Energy Efficiency Improvement Works
(For EB V2.0 Projects ONLY)
CLP Power has set up the CLP Eco Building Fund to subsidise residential buildings and their nearby ancillary facilities to carry out energy efficiency enhancement works, while HK Electric has setup the HK Electric Smart Power Fund to subsidise residential buildings or composite buildings with substantial portion of residential use to carry out this kind of works. BEAM Plus EB applicants who fulfill the funds’ criteria are encouraged to apply for the scheme.
The following measures facilitate the applicants of BEAM Plus EB V2.0 projects to apply for the subsidies:
(1) In the case of CLP Eco Building Fund, registration with Comprehensive Scheme or Energy Use (EU) Aspect of Selective Scheme under BEAM Plus EB V2.0 is included as one of the criteria where priority will be given by CLP when assessing the fund application. In this case, an applicant has to submit to CLP the Acknowledgement Letter of BEAM Plus EB registration issued by the HKGBC as evidence.
For details of the CLP Eco Building Fund, please visit

(2) In the case of HK Electric Smart Power Fund, if an applicant is registered with Comprehensive Scheme or Energy Use (EU) Aspect of Selective Scheme under BEAM Plus EB V2.0 and if the applicant intends to apply for the Smart Power Fund, the HKGBC, upon receiving the request from the applicant, may refer the case to HK Electric by issuing it with a referral letter. According to the vetting criteria of the Fund, referral from NGO / green group is one of the situations where priority will be given by HK Electric when assessing the fund application.
For details of the HK Electric Smart Power Fund, please visit

Complimentary Flow Controllers to Help Conserve Water
(For EB V2.0 Projects ONLY)
Water Supplies Department (WSD) has been running the 'Let’s Save 10L Water' Campaign since March 2014. The campaign encourages the public to sign an online commitment certificate to pledge their support for using water wisely and saving 10 litres of water per day. Each participating household will receive a pair of complimentary flow controllers for taps to help conserve water. BEAM Plus EB applicants are encouraged to arrange for the owners or the incorporated owners of the building for which they apply for accreditation to BEAM Plus EB V2.0 to participate in the 'Let’s Save 10L Water' Campaign.
WSD will process group applications for receipt of complimentary flow controllers under the 'Let’s Save 10L Water' Campaign that are submitted by BEAM Plus EB applicants with respect to the buildings they register for certification to the Comprehensive Scheme or the Water Use (WU) Aspect of the Selective Scheme under BEAM Plus EB V2.0. Names of buildings in relation to such group applications will appear in WSD’s 'Let’s Save 10L Water' website as participating organisations.
Download the group application form HERE and send the form to the following address:
'Let's Save 10L Water' Campaign
Water Conservation Section, Water Supplies Department
46/F, Immigration Tower, 7 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
For details of the 'Let's Save 10L Water' Campaign, please visit
HKGBC Secretariat
Tel.: 3994 8853
Email: [email protected]